Sara es una adolescente que vive con su familia, que son testigos de Jehová. La imagen devota de la familia se cuestiona cuando los padres se divorcian como consecuencia de la infidelidad del padre. Una noche, en una fiesta, Sara conoce a Teis, un chico mayor que se interesa por ella. Teis no es Testigo y su padre rechaza su relación, pero Sara se enamora y comienza a dudar de su fe. Enfrentando a los testigos de Jehová y la disciplina congregacional, Sara debe tomar la decisión más difícil de su joven vida.
Sara is a teenager who lives with her family, who are Jehovah's Witnesses. The family's devout image is questioned when the parents divorce as a consequence of the father's infidelity. One night at a party Sara meets Teis, an older boy who takes an interest in her. Teis is not a Witness, and their relationship is rejected by her father, but Sara falls in love and begins to doubt her faith. Facing Jehovah's Witnesses and congregational discipline#Disfellowshipping, Sara must make the toughest choice of her young life.
Sara e la sua famiglia hanno sempre vissuto secondo i comandamenti di Geova, ma la ragazza deve prendere una decisione molto difficile quando s'innamora di Teis.
русский язык
Português - Portugal