Second-generation Irani-German Parvis works at a refugee shelter where he meets brother and sister Irani refugees and develops a tenuous romance with Amon as his friends attempt refugee status.
Parvis, the son of exiled Iranians, copes with life in his small hometown by indulging himself with pop culture, Grindr dates, and raves. After being caught shoplifting, he is sentenced to community service at a refugee shelter where he meets siblings Banafshe and Amon, who have fled Iran. As a romantic attraction between Parvis and Amon grows, the fragile relationship between the three is put to a test. They find and lose each other throughout a summer of fleeting youth, an intense first love, an attempt at a joint future, as well as the stark realisation that, in Germany, they are not equal.
A story about re-discovering one’s past and building a future together
Parvis, filho de iranianos exilados, lida com a vida na sua pequena cidade natal entregando-se à cultura pop, aos encontros no Grindr e às raves. Depois de ser apanhado a furtar numa loja, é condenado a serviços comunitários num abrigo para refugiados, onde conhece os irmãos Banafshe e Amon, que fugiram do Irão. À medida que cresce a atração romântica entre Parvis e Amon, a frágil relação entre os três é posta à prova. Encontram-se e perdem-se ao longo de um verão de fugaz juventude, de um primeiro amor intenso, de uma tentativa de um futuro conjunto, bem como da dura constatação de que, na Alemanha, não são iguais.
Fils d’Iraniens exilés en Allemagne, Parvis profite pleinement de la vie dans sa petite ville de Basse-Saxe. Cependant, il continue d’y être considéré comme un étranger, notamment par les hommes qu’il rencontre sur grindr. Après avoir été surpris en train de voler à l’étalage, il est condamné à des travaux d’intérêt général dans un centre pour réfugiés. Il y rencontre Amon et sa sœur Banafshe, qui ont fui l’Iran. Sans papiers et sans visa, ils risquent à tout moment l’expulsion…
فیلم درباره ی زندگی پرویز یه پسر همجنسگرا از نسل دوم مهاجرین ایرانی تو المانه. شروع فیلم با پرویزی اغاز میشه که به خاطر دزدی از مغازه به 120 ساعت کار اجباری تو اردوگاه پناهندگان محکوم میشه. اونجا با دوتا از پناهندگان که یه خواهر و برادر ایرانین اشنا میشه و ...
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