Unidos por el destino y el robo en una financiera, José, un viejo anarquista, y un joven empleado, Pedro viven durante cuatro días alternativas violentas y solidarias en su huida desesperada por la Patagonia argentina. En el camino se encuentran con Ana, una adolescente que los acompaña en el viaje.
José is an aging anarchy who decides to get even with the corporation that stole $15,344 from his family 18 years ago. When confronted by the yuppie manager, Pedro Mendoza, José threatens to kill himself and orders him to hand in the requested amount of money. In the ensuing chaos, Pedro stumbles upon a drawer holding half a million dollars, and puts it all in the bag. He then asks José to take him hostage so that the police will not shoot them, and both drive away successfully.