1992年,一场大雨令香港停电,热爱观星的子月与反叛的旭日在海边相遇,暗生情愫。未几,旭日却被父亲送到寄宿学校,数月后更要移民外国。 二人像日与月一样难以相见,加上子月的母亲不断阻拦,但他们最终排除万难,展开了一段彷彿分隔两地的遥距恋爱,同时还要面对亲人、老师和同学等等各方面的挑战冲击⋯
In 1992, a heavy rainstorm caused massive power outage in Hong Kong. At that night, two young astrology enthusiasts, Moon and Sun, met under the starry night by the seaside. When their affection to each other grew, Sun was admitted into a boarding school and would move to another country in a few months under his father's plan. Like the sun and moon, the couple could hardly see each other despite that they were living in the same city, but their love endured amidst the separation and opposition from Moon's mother. Overcoming the challenges from teachers, friends and family, time has come for Sun to depart.