Manželské povídky, které Vít Olmer psal pro časopis Playboy v době, kdy jeho šéfredaktorem byl Arnošt Lustig, mají v sobě vtip, často až absurdní pointu a nezapřou, že autor je bedlivým pozorovatelem života kolem nás. Pět z nich vybral pro svojí novou českou komedii, jejímž společným jmenovatelem se stal herec Jiří Krampol, hlavní představitel každé z nich.
Five marital stories, actor and entertainer Jirí Krampol gets a lot of space, embodying the main character in each of them. In the first story Michael, an older businessman doesn't have time for his young wife and pays for it, in the second he is a pensioner who pretends to be deaf due to his chatterbox wife, and the third he is an obsolete big-beat drummer a fugitive on the run, in the fourth story he plays a vain grandfather on vacation who helps a friend from the beach to cope with panic attacks caused by overwork and marital difficulties, and finally in the fifth he is a troubled monument Hruska, solving the infidelity of a younger wife widow.
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