This contemporary adaptation of Manji, the literary masterpiece by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, reinterprets the novel with a gender-swapped twist, set in the modern era. A gripping story of passion, betrayal, and the complexities of love, it delves into themes of homosexuality, adultery, and emotional turmoil.
The narrative follows Kōtarō Sonoda, a man who leaves his corporate job to pursue his dream of becoming a painter. While attending art school, he meets the enigmatic and captivating Mitsuru Usami, leading to an intense relationship that strains his marriage with his wife, Yayoi. However, as their affair unfolds, a shocking revelation emerges—Usami is already engaged.
This thought-provoking adaptation redefines Tanizaki’s vision, offering a fresh perspective on desire and the destructive power of love in contemporary society.
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