Вася, сын фабричной работницы, с детства предоставлен сам себе и привык к самостоятельности. За один день Вася умудрился вытащить из воды человека, покататься на чужой машине, разоблачить попа и поймать вора у себя дома.
Vasia, the son of a factory's worker, is attracted by the romance of adventures. And he goes to look for them. He saves a drowning drunk who tries to beat him. Vasia escapes from him in a vehicle parked on the shore. However, the vehicle belongs to a superintendent who, when he does not find it, stages its theft. Meanwhile, Vasia exposes priests in the church. As a result, the church is turned into a cinema, and the priest becomes a cinema technician. And finally, Vasia's last deed is catching a criminal and denouncing him to the militia.
- Vasya, the Reformer
- Vasia the Reformer
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język polski
українська мова