The film takes place at a school in Japan where a group of students and their teacher have to wait out a storm that is passing by. The protagonist Azuma has been fighting with his best friend Saijo and has a lot on his mind when he encounters a girl (Noruda) with a mysterious necklace. The girl seems to be in trouble and somehow connected to the storm. Azuma is taken over by a strong will to help this enchanting girl. Who is she and why is she in the middle of the storm? Can Azuma be any help to her? Why is his relationship with Saijo in such turmoil? The story combines little everyday problems and joys with an adventure that is out of this world.
Il breve film è ambientato in una certa isola, più precisamente in una scuola media, il giorno prima del festival della cultura. Un ragazzo lascia la squadra di baseball ed ha un litigio con il suo migliore amico, ma all'improvviso incontra una misteriosa ragazza dagli occhi rossi chiamata Noruda. Intanto un terribile tifone si sta per abbattere sulla scuola, cosa c'entra Noruda con questa calamità naturale?
Am Abend des Kulturfestes beschließt Shuuichi Azuma das Baseballspielen aufzugeben, obwohl er dies sein ganzes Leben lang tat. Dies führt zum Streit mit seinem besten Freund Kenta und plötzlich taucht dieses mysteriöse Mädchen mit den roten Augen namens Noruda auf. Der riesige Taifun, der kurz darauf in der Mittelschule einschlägt, macht die ganze Situation nicht angenehmer.
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