The story revolves around a farmer, Shambu Mahato (Balraj Sahni), who lives with his wife Parvati "Paro" (Nirupa Roy) and son Kanhaiya (Rattan Kumar) in a small village that has been hit badly by a famine. After years of drought, the region finally gets rain, leading the farmers to rejoice. Shambu owns two bighas (two-thirds of an acre of land) of land, which is the only means of livelihood for the whole family. The local zamindar (landlord) Thakur Harnam Singh (Murad (actor)) partners with some city businessmen to construct a mill on his large parcel of land, which in return would bring them profit and bring prosperity to the village. The only problem is that in the middle of Harnam Singh's land lie Shambu's meager two bighas of land.
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