TRON: The Next Day

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  • Movie ID 16452
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide March 14, 2011
  • Runtime 10 minutes
  • Genres Science Fiction Thriller
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages English
  • Studio Walt Disney Studios
  • Production Company Walt Disney Studios
  • Production Countries United States of America
  • On Other Sites IMDB Official Website
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 1 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 18, 2023 by
    Administrator admin

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Tron Franchise

1 5 EnStorm

Tron is an American science fiction media franchise created by Steven Lisberger, which began with the eponymous 1982 film. The original film portrays Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a genius computer programmer and video game developer who becomes transported inside a digital virtual reality known as "The Grid", where he interacts with programs in his quest to escape. It was followed by various film tie-ins, a comic book miniseries and an animated TV show.


1 4 djhitman

Tron is an American science fiction media franchise created by Steven Lisberger, which began with the eponymous 1982 film. The original film portrays Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a genius computer programmer and video game developer who becomes transported inside a digital virtual reality known as "The Grid", where he interacts with programs in his quest to escape.

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