The film opens with a pickpocketing monkey named Babi who tells his nephew, Babu how he met the Buddies. The Buddies' great-grandfather, Digger was the partner of an archaeologist, Thomas Howard, who retrieved one half of a dial which would lead to Queen Cleocatra's tomb. He never found the other half and retired. The scene then switches to present Fernfield where Thomas is giving his grandson, Peter a tour of the Egyptian exhibit. The Buddies, Budderball, B-Dawg, Buddha, Mudbud and Rosebud are also at the exhibit. Peter stays behind with his grandfather who gives Mudbud, Digger's bandanna. A British archaeologist, Phillip Wellington along with his cat Ubasti meets Thomas in his office and reveals to have the other half of the dial, and insists on bringing him and Peter along for the ride, but refuses to bring along Mudbud due to certain allergies. Fortunately, Mudbud and the other Buddies stowaway in Phillip's DC-3 Douglas airliner via a box of TNT.
These golden retrievers are not just good boys—they’re good boys who can dunk!
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