Após a morte de sua mãe, Antônio e sua família se mudam para a Sicília. Lá todos o chamam de Tottoi. Tottoi faz novos amigos e exploram o novo lugar, encontram em uma caverna uma rara espécie de foca ameaçada de extinção e então a protegem a todo custo.
Based on the novel Tottòi by Gianni Padoan. Sardinia is abundant in beautiful beaches and mysterious caves which are known as the habitat of a peculiar kind of seal on the verge of extinction. After moving to this island, Tottoi, fascinated by nature, visits different beaches and caves everyday. When he finds a seal cub and its mother in an isolated cave, he is surprised by the humorous movements and innocence of the cub and the dignity of its mother. Tottoi soon becomes attached to the seals, but his secret is revealed to heartless adults. In the name of preservation, a plan is developed to capture them for an aquarium. Now the dignity and pride of the wild seal are in danger. No matter how painful for Tottoi to be separated from his small friends, he must fight for the welfare of the wild mammals and let them go free into the sea.
因污染而失去妻子的西普里亚诺(Cipriano)决定从西德搬到他的家乡地中海撒丁岛(Sardinia),他认为环境的恶化正在对他的孩子造成负面影响。长子安东尼奥(Antonio)在岛上遇到表弟比利亚(Bilia),并给他起了绰号“ Totoi”。 Totoi是一栋别墅,被邀请到一个山洞里,这个山洞是岛上的一个旅游景点,称为“ Umi no Ushi(=杜鹃花)”,但这个名字的杜鹃花是10年前灭绝的。它是。但是,Totoi恰巧在那儿找到了一只蜥蜴的母子,并通过将其命名为Zavione来秘密地保护该孩子。最终,一场危机逼近了Totoi与蜥蜴的母子之间的秘密交流。
Português - Brasil
Português - Portugal