Pummelchen Goofy möchte abnehmen. Doch leider ist nur der Geist willig, in diesem Fall sein Spiegelbild.
Dingo, ici sous le nom de George Geef, décide qu'il doit maigrir et entame un régime. Mais durant ses efforts son miroir commence à lui parler.
Il corto prende in esame il fenomeno dell'obesità sviscerandolo a fondo. Vediamo infatti George (Pippo) autoconvincersi di non essere in sovrappeso, crogiolarsi nel ricordo di un passato da sportivo e vivere la vita di tutti i giorni senza rendersi conto del pubblico ludibrio cui viene sottoposto. La seconda parte dello short invece è incentrata sui suoi tentativi di mettersi a dieta, cercando di resistere alle tentazioni che la vita di tutti i giorni ci pone innanzi.
Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose weight by refusing to let him eat. Geef thinks he can resist but is soon upset by all manner of temptations. He goes to bed but sleepwalks to the refrigerator only to discover it is empty. It turns out his reflection ate all the food telling him, "Eat, drink, and be merry, and tomorrow we diet!"
Långben försöker med att gå ner i vikt genom att banta, men får problem att stävja hungern. Det hela blir inte bättre när hans spegelbild börjar prata med honom och kritiserar hans matvanor.
Гуфи с трудом пытается сбросить вес, соблюдая диету, когда его зеркало обращается к нему.
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