Récit d’un exil, Tinghir-Jerusalem, Les échos du Mellah suit le destin de la communauté juive ayant quitté le village Berbère de Tinghir au Maroc, dans les années 50/60. Kamal Hachkar, originaire de Tinghir, nous emmène à la croisée des cultures et fait résonner les chants, les voix et les histoires de cette double identité partagée entre juifs et musulmans.
Kamal Hachkar explores the 2000-year-old Mellah in his family's village of Tinghir, Morocco, and follows the trail of the town's once substantial Jewish population to its emigres and descendants in Israel. In the film, he weaves back and forth between his city's old Jewish quarter and Israel, where he meets Sephardic Jews who still hold tight to their Moroccan identity. Presents the story of a long-term collaboration between Jews and Muslims that eventually fell apart. As Hachkar tries to understand exactly what happened, he simultaneously seeks a better way forward.