范大明白(崔志佳 饰)在东北从事着白事行业,与众不同的是,范大明白愿意接纳刑满释放的人,为他们提供工作机会。这一天,一名叫做牛硬朗(宋晓峰 饰)的男人来到店里,抛出了豪华大单——三百万的葬礼,范大明白及团队惊讶不已……在办葬礼的过程中,范大明白和牛硬朗才发现,原来二人之间的渊源不止如此……
Fan Daming is engaged in funeral affairs in the Northeast. The difference is that Fan Daming is willing to accept people who have been released after serving their sentences and provide them with job opportunities. On this day, a man named Niu Tough Lang came to the store and threw out a luxurious order-a funeral of three million yuan. Fan Daming and his team were very surprised... Only after Da Ming and Niu Tinglang discovered that the relationship between the two is more than that.