The Tracy family, led by former astronaut Jeff Tracy, operate International Rescue, a secret organization that aids those in need during disasters using the technologically advanced machines called Thunderbirds machines, operating out of Tracy Island in the South Pacific Ocean. The youngest son Alan Tracy lives at a boarding school in Massachusetts and dreams of being a Thunderbird pilot. He and his friend Fermat Hackenbacker, son of the Thunderbirds’ engineer Brains (Thunderbirds), are extracted by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, an International Rescue agent, and her butler Aloysius Parker, using her limo FAB 1, as the Thunderbirds return from an oil platform fire off the Russia coast. Unbeknownst to them, a tracking beacon used by the Hood (Thunderbirds), a psychokinesis criminal mastermind who has a vendetta against Jeff for not saving him in a collapsing diamond mine when his brother Kyrano was rescued, has been planted on the hull of ''Thunderbird 1''.
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