來自檳城的福建小子蔡偉傑(阿牛)在新加坡任職工程師。在一次偶然機會下結識了富家女張芷欣(江若琳)(原籍廣東),二人不久之後發展成為情侶。 芷欣在一次偶然機會之下看見了一個垂危女病人跟男朋友結婚的場面,令她非常感動,決定立即下嫁何偉傑。何偉傑此時才發現原來張芷欣父親張科林(朱厚任)是新加坡富戶。為了不讓岳父母瞧不起,他決心拒絕雙方家長的協助,獨力承擔豪華婚禮的龐大開支。最後婚禮開支高達十萬新加坡元,偉傑心想可以用禮金來償還,可是卻發現禮金不翼而飛。偉傑和芷欣本打算趁父親阿獅(陳建彬)和親友來新加坡出席婚禮時,陪伴他們到各景點遊玩,可是偉傑為了解決欠款問題,訛稱公司同事出了意外先行離去。
It was a Wei Jie's wedding day, but it was a bad day for him too! In the process of putting the wedding together, he has been exhausted and way too far over his budget! As the son of a fisherman in Penang, he is actually going to marry a daughter of a Singapore property developer - Tina Chong. To prevent her parents in looking down upon Wei Jie, he declared himself having the ability to marry Tina by holding a grand wedding ceremony. During the pre wedding arrangement, his expenses went over budget by spending on red tape and items needed in following the traditional wedding customs. Going through each events, his brain functions like a cash register. In his mind the cost of each items adds up in total and freaks himself up. Weijie did not tell the difficulties to Tine due to self-esteem issues, whereas he was being convinced by Jeremy for gambling game, which brings him the worse result - losing all the money.
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