Dangerous street fighter Kazuyoshi Tamai finds out that his rival, Takeshi, is the leader of a gang responsible for a series of assaults. Kazuyoshi is ready to face off against Takeshi, but comic challenges keep his nemesis out of reach. It's not until years later -- when Kazuyoshi becomes a championship boxer and Takeshi is a pro wrestler -- that they meet again in a battle that pits two combatants with very different fighting styles.
和义(矢部享佑 饰)和俊夫(奥田智彦 饰)是两个整天无所事事混日子的高中生。和义的目标是做浪花地区的老大,因此隔三差五就有各种各样的小混混来挑战。某天他听说隔壁学校来了一个打架高手浜田武士(北村一辉 饰),因此想一较高下,但两人的对决总因各种机缘而推迟。