Los pasajeros colapsan una terminal de autobuses de un pueblo cubano porque todos los vehículos pasan llenos y no recogen viajeros. Para poder emprender el viaje, todos se implican en la reparación del único transporte destartalado que queda en la terminal. Una experiencia en la que cada uno va a descubrir lo mejor de sí mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Um grupo de pessoas desesperadas esperam em uma estação rodoviária o próximo ônibus. O problema é que ele nunca aparece.
A desperate group of people wait at a rundown Cuban transit station for the next bus to arrive. The problem is, it never shows up. While a number of busses pass by the station, and others that are either full or at the end of the line stop by, it soon becomes obvious that the bus everyone was waiting for has left them high and dry. While one of the would-be passengers, Emilio, uses his downtime to win the affections of the beautiful Jacqueline, most of the rest decide that if they're stuck without anywhere to go, they might as well make the station a better place to wait, and they begin forming a plan to turn the decrepit bus terminal into a showplace that people would look forward to visiting.
Emilio, jeune ingenieur au chomage, arrive a la gare routiere d'un village de Cuba. Des dizaines de personnes y attendent l'arrivee d'un bus ou, mieux encore, la reparation du car de la station que le chef de gare a entreprise deux jours plus tot. Jacqueline entre a son tour et rejoint la file d'attente, sous le regard enchante d'Emilio. Un bus apparait enfin, mais n'offre qu'une seule place. La tension monte et une dispute eclate pour designer le chanceux acquereur de ce billet.
Una stazione, autobus strapieni e una lunga lista d'attesa. Ma l'attesa si trasforma in occasione di ritrovata solidarietà. Progressivamente le tensioni calano, risbocciano passioni sopite, nascono nuovi amori. E, soprattutto, si lavora insieme per migliorare quel piccolo mondo che è la fatiscente stazione d'autobus. Dopo Fragola e cioccolato e Guantanamera,girati con lo scomparso Tomas Gutiérrez Alea, Tabio realizza una piccola commedia che riconcilia con il cinema
每个人都有属于自己的美好的梦想。只不过有人把它放在现实中去追求,也有人只在梦里偷笑。 在公共汽车站,等候的乘客把车站塞得满满的,有的人已经等了几天了,可还是遥遥无期,偶尔到站的车也空不出几个位置。开往哈瓦那的车还没有出站,就出了故障,耶奎丽不得不再下来等候,她这是要到哈瓦那与未婚夫安东尼奥结婚的。和她刚刚结识的小伙子是准备回家乡帮助父亲料理农庄的。费尔南多站长不知所措,乘客中的盲眼人奥兰多懂得机械,很快找到了油泵的故障。没有可以替换的零件,大家只有自己想办法。一连几天过去了,他们的食物开始发生危机,靠善良的人们东拼西凑,做出了丰盛的龙虾大餐。大家一同来对付站上的各种麻烦。他们想到利用等候的时间重新粉刷车站、种植花草、建起图书阅览室。年轻人则培育着他们的爱情。当安东尼奥赶来接新娘耶奎丽时,她已经另有所爱。汽车再次到来时,所有的人都不愿最先离开,他们谦让着....突然,耶奎丽从睡梦中惊醒,眼前的车站依旧是一副破败的样子,装饰一新的车站不过是梦中的一景。
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