Yoon Young-Hwa (Ha Jung-Woo) is a former popular TV anchorman, but due to an unsavory incident now works as a radio show host. One morning, a listener calls in to his radio program and declares that "I will blow up the Mapodaegyo Bridge." At first, the call is taken as a joke, but soon Yoon Young-Hwa realizes it is very real. The Mapodaegyo Bridge, which can be seen from the radio station office, suddenly explodes. As the sudden terror happens in real time, Yoon Young-Hwa decides that this incident could be his ticket to work again as a TV anchorman. He decides to broadcast a live interview with the caller on TV.
Suite à un incident, Yoon Young-Hwa, un ancien présentateur TV à succès, travaille désormais à la radio. Un jour, un homme l'appelle en direct lors de son émission et lui affirme qu'il va faire exploser le pont qui se situe juste en face des bureaux de sa radio. Yoon Young-Hwa croit à un canular jusqu'à ce qu'il assister à l'explosion du pont. Yoon décide de se servir du terroriste pour relancer sa carrière...