The Suburban

Robert Gordon, wealthy stock owner, has a home near Sheepshead Bay. His son, Donald, loves the lodge-keeper's daughter. Gordon is informed that Sir Ralph Gordon and his sister are to visit them. Gordon gets the idea that Donald should marry Helen, and tells him so. Donald, however, is not interested, and later marries Alice, the lodge-keeper's daughter. The guests arrive. Ralph covets Alice. He is a gambler, and begins playing in Thurston's faro joint, finally falling into Thurston's power. Gordon tries to force matters and Donald tells of his marriage with Alice. Donald's father disinherits him and the boy, leaving home, takes the stocks and bonds willed him by his mother. He leaves a note for his father and does not close the safe. Sir Ralph, to pay Thurston, takes a large amount of money from the open safe, and Hyde, the butler, catches him and gets a written confession from him. Donald hunts work and leaves Alice in the care of Joe, the stable boy, who is ever her guardian angel


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