Dívka Elén žijící se svou matkou a otčímem na lesní samotě má velký pěvecký talent. V den svých dvacátých prvých narozenin utíká z domova a už ve vlaku se do ní zamiluje milionář René. Jejich cesty se brzy rozcházejí, aby se brzy mohly opět spojit. Do Elén se zamiluje houslista Pavel Sedloň a ačkoliv ho Elén nemiluje, je odhodlaná se za něj provdat. V té době René umírá vyčerpán z práce na operetě Srdce v deliriu. Je však v poslední chvíli zachráněn a vše spěje k šťastnému konci, kdy Oldřich Nový vysvětlí, jak to všechno autoři vlastně mysleli.
Poor country girl Elen Hadrbolcova sent her photo to a casting agency in a city and got an invitation to come in person. Her stepfather Dubský orders her to stay, but the young beauty will not obey. She knows that her real father was some old actor who left her mother. Dubský was a soldier suffering from amnesia who appeared in the end of the war. He didn't know his identity, so he found shelter in their house and helped her mother raise the small girl. He was a keen poacher, so his help was noticeable, but in all other respects he was a primitive country man. Elen boards the train and during the journey she sings a song to pass the time. Her sweet voice attracts a millionaire René Skalský. He falls in love with her but he wants to be sure that the love from her side is a genuine one. He takes a seat in a second class and pretends to be an ordinary man. In a city Elen disappears and René has to search for her
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