Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies) mieszka wraz z rodziną w egzotycznych Indiach. Wiedzie szczęśliwe życie do dnia, w którym jej kilkuletni syn ginie w wypadku samochodowym. Zrozpaczona Maria odkrywa, że istnieje odwieczny rytuał, który pozwala żywym nawiązać ostatni kontakt z umarłymi i pożegnać się z nimi. Wyrusza w podróż do starożytnej świątyni, w której tajemnicze drzwi pełnią rolę portalu między dwoma światami. Na miejscu Maria łamie złożoną wcześniej przysięgę i otwiera drzwi, które miały na zawsze pozostać zamknięte. Narusza tym samym równowagę między życiem i śmiercią, nie zdając sobie sprawy, jakie będą konsekwencje jej czynu.
Nigdy nie należało ich otwierać
After losing her son Oliver in a car accident in India, Maria has not recovered from the tragedy. During the accident, Maria chose to save her youngest daughter, Lucy instead of Oliver and the guilt devastated her. One night, her husband Michael finds Maria unconscious after a suicide attempt. In the hospital, Maria is comforted by her housekeeper Piki. Piki asks Maria if she wants one final chance to say goodbye to Oliver. She explains that in her village, there is an abandoned temple where the line between the living and the dead is very thin. Maria must scatter her son's ashes at the temple steps and lock herself in. Oliver will speak to her once night falls. However, no matter what Oliver says, Maria must not open the temple door for him. Maria agrees and the pair have Oliver's body exhumed and burned. Maria notices some strange men covered in ash. Piki explains that they are shamans who consume the flesh of the dead and coat themselves in ash to strengthen their bonds between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies) e o filho pequeno sofrem um acidente de carro e ele morre. Ela não se conforma com o fato de não ter conseguido salvá-lo e tudo o que mais quer é a chance de revê-lo e se despedir. Até o dia em que Maria conhece uma mulher que lhe ensina um ritual envolvendo um portal para o mundo dos mortos. O problema é que ela abre uma porta que não deveria, causando o desequilíbrio entre o mundo dos vivos e dos mortos.
Português - Portugal
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Português - Brasil