Gyembó és húga, Tashi átlagos tinédzserek Bhutánban, az utolsó buddhista királyságban. Szabadidejüket leginkább focizással töltik, vagy a Facebookon lógnak. Kis himalájai falujukban édesapjuk a felelős a helyi buddhista monostor őrzéséért. A tisztség apáról fiúra száll, így az apa reméli, hogy hamarosan ő is fiának adhatja tovább a szent feladatot, szeretné, ha Gyembó mielőbb bevonulna a szerzetes iskolába. Eközben lánya, Tashi, profi focista karrierről álmodik, és egyre nyíltabban fejezi ki fiús identitását. Életében először elhagyja szülőfaluját, hogy megmérettesse magát az első női nemzeti focicsapat válogatótáborában.
Brother and sister Gyembo and Tashi are normal teenagers. They love soccer and their phones. In their Himalayan village, their father oversees a Buddhist temple that has been in the family for generations. He hopes his son will one day take over his duties. He would prefer that Gyembo leave his modern English-language school in favor of a monk school. In this thoughtful and tender portrait of a Bhutanese family, the generation gap is as large as their love for one another. Celibacy doesn't offer an enticing future to an adolescent boy, which Gyembo's father understands. Nonetheless, he still tries to convince his son that being a monk offers many advantages. Meanwhile, Tashi feels more like a boy than a girl, and dreams of a life as a pro soccer player. She wants to attend a soccer camp that would be the first step in being selected for the national team. Unfortunately, though happiness is high on the political agenda in Bhutan, not all wishes come true.
Gyembo en Tashi, broer en zus, zijn doodgewone pubers. Ze houden van voetbal en van hun telefoon. In hun dorp in de Himalaya beheert hun vader een boeddhistische tempel die al generaties lang in de familie is. Hij hoopt dat zijn zoon die taak ooit van hem overneemt.
젬보와 타쉬 남매는 휴대폰을 손에서 놓지 못하고 축구를 좋아하는 평범한 십대 청소년이다. 히말라야의 어느 마을에 살고 있는 이들의 아버지는 몇 세대에 걸쳐 이어져 내려온 가족 소유의 사찰을 관리한다. 그는 언젠가 젬보가 가업을 이어받았으면 하기에, 그가 현재 다니고 있는 영어학교를 그만두고 불교학교에 진학하길 바란다. 한편, 톰보이 타쉬는 프로 축구선수가 되는 것이 꿈이다. 국가대표가 되기 위한 첫걸음이 될 축구캠프에 참가하고 싶다. 국민 행복을 정치적 의제로 삼고 있는 부탄에 살고 있음에도, 이들의 소망은 결코 모두 이뤄지지 않는다. (제20회 서울국제여성영화제)
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