Фильм представляет собой историческую фреску, поэтичными и гротескными красками рисующую социальную жизнь Франции 70-х годов XIX века. Юная продавщица Луиза, стаявшая за прилавком огромного парижского магазина «Новый Вавилон», приходит на баррикады Парижской коммуны, а её возлюбленный, солдат Жан, изменяет себе и становится в ряды карателей…
The film is set in the spring of 1871 during the time of the Paris Commune, immediately after the end of the Franco-Prussian War. Louise is employed as a salesperson in a wholesale store in Paris named "The New Babylon". She is involved in the Commune, against which Jean, a young man from the countryside with no political affiliations, has to fight as a soldier in the army controlled by the French government. Louise and Jean are in love with each other although they are on opposing sides, but their love has no place in a time of political turmoil. At the end of the film, Jean is ordered to dig a grave for Louise, who has been sentenced to death by the court.
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