Follows the changing love lives of college buddies KK and Ronnie, with their girlfriends/wives May and Candy. Workaholic adman KK and his girlfriend May are going through a tough time. They attend Ronnie's wedding, where KK meets Ronnie's cousin Candy. KK hires Candy as a secretary on Ronnie's urging, and the two drift together. Meanwhile, Ronnie's marriage fails, and he gets together with May....
林伟是典型的懦弱型男人, 万事随遇而安, 袁雁盈自幼父母离异, 家境骤富骤贫, 造成她对一切缺乏安全感的性格, 两人维持了多年的同居关系, 林伟极欲结束爱情长跑, 多番暗示结婚, 正在此时, 袁发现巳怀身孕, 于是暗中堕胎, 事为林伟得悉, 不能妥协, 二人终以分手作结·.....