Dos trabajadoras de la salud y una asistente social viajan a una comunidad marginal del interior. Es el primer viaje que realizan juntas, no se conocen. La convivencia forzada, el encuentro con los carenciados, la rutina, las va modificando. Hacen un trabajo de relevamiento, escuchan los problemas e intentan algunas tenues soluciones. Las posibilidades de cambio son mínimas. Con el paso del tiempo las relaciones entre las tres se hacen intensas, complejas. Sienten el peso del cansancio y la precariedad a la que deben asistir.
Three women travel to a distant place to do welfare work. They assist, listen, stay with the unprotected. An old hospital in ruins accommodates them. The imposed group life gets more complex as they start to know each other. The relationship with the others, the community, is also difficult. But, as days go by, they will start to melt into that human landscape surrounding them. To be part of the mystery of otherness.
Three women travel to a distant place to do welfare work. They assist, listen, stay with the unprotected. An old hospital in ruins accommodates them. The imposed group life gets more complex as they start to know each other. The relationship with the others, the community, is also difficult. But, as days go by, they will start to melt into that human landscape surrounding them. To be part of the mystery of otherness.
Three women travel to a distant place to do welfare work. They assist, listen, stay with the unprotected. An old hospital in ruins accommodates them. The imposed group life gets more complex as they start to know each other. The relationship with the others, the community, is also difficult. But, as days go by, they will start to melt into that human landscape surrounding them. To be part of the mystery of otherness.
Three women travel to a distant place to do welfare work. They assist, listen, stay with the unprotected. An old hospital in ruins accommodates them. The imposed group life gets more complex as they start to know each other. The relationship with the others, the community, is also difficult. But, as days go by, they will start to melt into that human landscape surrounding them. To be part of the mystery of otherness.
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