Soyez les témoins privilégiés de ce portrait intime et émouvant de Mère Teresa, infatigable défenseur des pauvres et des laissés pour compte. Suivez les pas de son parcours incroyable sur plus de 40 années, depuis son entrée chez les Sœurs de Lorette à Dublin jusqu’à son voyage à Darjeeling, de son appel auprès des plus pauvres des pauvres à la fondation des Missionnaires de la Charité, depuis ses sacrifices inestimables dans les bidonvilles de Calcutta jusqu’à la réception du Prix Nobel de la Paix.
Mother Teresa (Juliet Stevenson), recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest Humanitarianism of modern times. Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world. The film is told through personal letters she wrote over the last forty years of her life and reveal a troubled and vulnerable woman who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God. The story is told from the point of view of a Vatican priest (Max von Sydow) charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death. He recounts her life’s work, her political oppression, her religious zeal, and her unbreakable spirit.
Madre Teresa de Calcutá troca confidências com o Padre e amigo Celeste van Exem por meio de cartas. Ao longo de 40 anos de amizade, ela expõe suas dúvidas, angústias, questionamentos acerca da fé e revela traços vulneráveis de sua personalidade. As revelações mostram um lado menos beatificado da mulher que se tornou ícone das causas humanitárias.
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