George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
Dans le milieu aristocratique de la ville de Boston, début du XXe siècle, lors de l'inamovible repas de famille de la célèbre fête de "Thanksgiving", George Apley voit progressivement les ancestrales traditions de sa classe et de son milieu s'effriter ; sa fille, la délicieuse Eleonor est amoureuse d'un "vulgaire" enseignant à l'université et son fils John s'est entiché d'une quasi "roturière", alors que lui était promise, depuis toujours, sa cousine et amie d'enfance, Agnès...
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
Basada en una obra -de mismo título- ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, narra la historia de un aristócrata de Boston enamorado de su ciudad hasta extremos insospechados. Él tiene perfectamente claro que sus hijos deben permanecer en Boston y relacionarse sólo con bostonianos, pero para su desgracia su hijo -estudiante en Harvard- se enamora de una chica de Worcester, mientras su hija se queda prendada de un estudiante de Yale...
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard, and son John with Myrtle, the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.
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