Una mujer, en una distracción mientras conduce, atropella algo. Al cabo de unos días le cuenta a su marido que ha matado a alguien en la carretera. Recorren la ruta pero sólo hay un perro muerto, y amigos allegados a la policía confirman que no hay información de un accidente. Todo vuelve a la calma y el mal momento parece superado, hasta que la noticia de un macabro hallazgo preocupa nuevamente a todos.
This film is centered around Vero, an Argentinean bourgeois woman, and how her life slowly twists out of control after she may or may not have struck and killed a dark-skinned servant's child with her car. As Vero is driving, she is distracted by her cell phone and, as she looks down to answer it, her car hits something. She peers in the rear-view mirror, collects herself, and drives away. We do not see what she has run over; a non-point-of-view shot of Vero driving away from the scene shows there is indeed a body, but it is unclear whether it is an animal or a person.
język polski
Português - Portugal