影片故事发生虚构的莱咖国和中国香港。未毕业警校生阿山(古斌 饰)临危受命,在监狱帮犯罪集团二把手阿天(安志杰 饰)扫平障碍,伺机接近并获其信任,以收集犯罪集团罪证。二人出狱后,阿山助天哥在港犯罪集团扶摇直上。经多重磨难,阿天成功替代集团老大豹哥(曾志伟 饰),当上坐馆并控制集团。但就在阿山即将完成任务之际,他的身份却被识穿……
The film's story unfolds in the fictional country of Laika and in Hong Kong, China. A police academy student who has not yet graduated, Ashan (played by Gu Bin), is tasked with a dangerous mission. He helps the criminal organization by eliminating obstacles for their leader, Atian (played by An Zhi Jie), in prison. Ashan approaches Atian, gains his trust, and collects evidence against the criminal group. After both of them are released from prison, Ashan assists Atian in rising within the criminal organization in Hong Kong. After enduring numerous challenges, Atian successfully replaces the group's leader, Bao Ge (played by Zeng Zhiwei), becoming the new boss and taking control of the organization. However, just as Ashan is about to complete his mission, his true identity is exposed.