在父母的安排下,邱晓敏即将和名为方若强的男子订婚。虽然方若强为人谦和老实,但实际上,邱晓敏和他之间并没有擦出半点火花。一次偶然中,邱晓敏遇见了高四生小游,在他的身上,邱晓敏找到了久违的悸动。 结婚后的邱晓敏生活在平静之中,在误打误撞下认识了青年吴大维,两人之间的关系引起了邱晓敏的丈夫的怀疑,最终,这段婚姻以失败告终。之后,邱晓敏认识了身患残疾但身残志坚的青年童子奇,虽然童子奇带给了邱晓敏温暖和安慰,但在感情的道路上屡屡失败的她不愿意再相信爱情。最终,童子奇以不懈的陪伴最终捕获了邱晓敏的芳心。
- Huang se gu shih
- Huang se gu shi
The whole story revolves around a woman from marriage, marriage to divorce encounter sexual problems as the main axis, reflecting the Taiwan society in this regard subjective and objective taboos. The first paragraph of the description of the actress Xiao Xiaomin arranged with the parents of the scholar if strong engagement after the agreement with the high school students often travel, and finally cancel the engagement. The second paragraph to write her marriage in order to fight for a wounded into her young Wu Dawei testify to her husband's misunderstanding, but also the end of the divorce. The third paragraph to write her commitment to kindergarten education work to recognize the disabled young boy odd, she did not dare to face the problem of love, but the other's cheerful outlook touched her.
La vie mouvementée de Hsiao-min, de l’enfance à la vie de femme.