Profesör Doğan tüm dünayayı değiştireceğini iddia ettiği bir keşfini başarıyla tamamlamıştır. Bunu öğrenen Doktor Şeytan ürettiği robotu sadece kısa mesafelerde değil tüm dünya üzerinde çalışabilmesi ve yaratacağı robot ordusuyla dünyayı ele geçirebilmek için Profesör Doğan’ın peşine düşecektir.
- Yılmayan Adam
- Ölümsüz Şeytan
Wacky, unrestrained, and with its own mystifying internal logic that cannot be entirely chalked up to the language barrier, this low-budget Turkish exploitation film from the 1973 is very weird, and both provide a very good time. THE DEATHLESS DEVIL introduces us to a young man (Kunt Tulgar) who discovers that he was adopted, and that his father was really a superhero named Copperhead. Like anyone who finds out such blood runs in his veins, he dons the Copperhead mask and goes into action. First on his list is the nefarious, mustached Dr. Satan, who has plans to steal technology that will let him control the world's robots and electronics. This technology belongs to a kindly professor and his pretty daughter, whose safety is now in Copperhead's hands. As he fights to bring the villain down, he finds time to enjoy the numerous Turkish beauties who disrobe for him.
Eine Mordserie an Wissenschaftlern erschüttert Istanbul. Urheber ist der verbrecherische Dr. Satan, der an eine Apparatur zur Fernsteuerung von Waffen gelangen will, um seine Roboterarmee befehligen und die Weltherrschaft übernehmen zu können. Ein smarter Superheld und sein tollpatschiger Kumpel stellen sich dem Schurken entgegen. (film-dienst)
Kunt Tulgar como un joven que toma el manto de su padre como el luchador enmascarado Copperhead para derrotar al malvado Dr. Satanás