The film follows the journey of Spyros (Marcello Mastroianni), a beekeeper, to various parts of Greece after his daughter's wedding. Spyros just retired as a teacher, before he sets out on his annual journey in spring for his bees to get honey. A girl (Nadia Mourouzi) hops on Spyros' truck early in the journey, and travels with Spyros for the most part of the story. Spyros and the girl visit Spyros' old friends and his wife along the way, and finally arrive at a theater owned by one of his friends and about to be sold. There in the theater Spyros and the girl finally have intimate physical interaction, long after Spyros has tried to coerce her into kissing but failed. The girl parts ways with Spyros after a few nights of stay in the theater, before the movie ends with Spyros turning over his beehive boxes and lying on the ground between the turned boxes. The final scene sees Spyros tapping on the ground probably a series of Morse code, which reminds of the tapping done by his sick friend (Serge Reggiani) right before Spyros left him in the hospital.
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