Osrednji zaplet je propad idiličnega razmerja med staršema Markom in Dunjo. Razlog je pomanjkanje spoštovanja, ki ga povzročita izguba dela in finančni propad. Sčasoma breme, ki ga starša ne zmoreta več nositi, vse bolj pada na ramena otrok.
Družinica je zgodba, ki se v Sloveniji zgodi vsak dan, lahko pa bi se dogodila tudi kjerkoli drugje. Tistim, ki fenomen poznajo, bo film boleča izkušnja, drugim naj bo svarilo.
The focus is on the disintegration of an idyllic relationship between parents, Marko and Dunja. This is due to a lack of respect, caused by loss of employment and a financial breakdown. In time, the parents are no longer able to bear their burden, which is thus increasingly weighing their children down. In Slovenia, the story from The Basics of Killing occurs on a daily basis, but it could happen anywhere. To those familiar with the phenomenon, the film will be a painful experience, to others, may it be a warning.
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