Gaby élève depuis toujours des agneaux sur sa petite ferme familiale. Solitaire et indépendant, il aimerait que ses deux filles, qui habitent à Montréal, viennent le voir plus souvent. Lorsque sa fille aînée Marie lui annonce qu'elle souhaite divorcer de son mari et qu'elle a besoin d'argent pour conserver sa maison, Gaby cherche un moyen de l'aider. Il envisage alors de démanteler sa ferme, de tout vendre, du troupeau à la maison, et d'aller habiter dans un petit appartement, en ville. À la veille de la vente aux enchères, son autre fille, Frédérique, une actrice émergente, vient aussi le voir.
Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Gagnon and Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house. Gaby, for whom fatherhood has evolved to a point where it became unreasonable, decides to dismantle the farm.
Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Gagnon and Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house. Gaby, for whom fatherhood has evolved to a point where it became unreasonable, decides to dismantle the farm.
Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Gagnon and Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house. Gaby, for whom fatherhood has evolved to a point where it became unreasonable, decides to dismantle the farm.
Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Gagnon and Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house. Gaby, for whom fatherhood has evolved to a point where it became unreasonable, decides to dismantle the farm.
גבי בעליה של חווה "בושרד ובניו משק חקלאי" שבה הוא מגדל כבשים .אבל אין לו בנים .במקום , יש לו שתי בנות שגידל אותן כמו שתי נסיכות ומתגוררות רחוק ממנו, בעיר הגדולה. יום אחד, בתו הבכורה ביקשה באם הוא יכול לסייע לה ולתמוך בה כלכלית וכל זאת בכדי שהיא לא תאבד את ביתה. גבי, שבעבורו אבהות זה בראש ובראשונה והגיע לנקודה שגובלת בחוסר הגיון, מחליט למכור את החווה למען בתו....
데뷔작 으로 퀘벡 영화의 기대주로 떠오른 세바스티앙 피요테의 두 번째 연출작 는 두 딸을 도시로 보내고 양떼 농장에서 여생을 보내는 고독한 아버지의 이야기이다.
Gaby é dono de uma fazenda em que cria cordeiros, a Bouchard & Filhos. Ele não teve filhos homens, mas duas filhas, que criou como princesas e que moram longe, na cidade. Um dia, a mais velha lhe pede ajuda financeira para que não perca sua casa. Seguindo seus instintos paternos, Gaby toma uma decisão aparentemente insensata: vender a fazenda.
Il proprietario di una fattoria si trova davanti alla richiesta di aiuto economico di una delle due figlie.
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