Devatenáctiletý Adam je pacientem protialkoholní léčebny. Ocitá se tak na místě, které si většina lidí spojuje s už staršími, profesionálními opilci. Jenže realita je jiná. Alkoholově závislými se stávají čím dál častěji i velmi mladí lidé. Stačí k tomu málo.
Adam had his life ahead of him; all that was left was to finish his exams and apply to university. To fight off boredom and to feel relaxed and funny, he turned to alcohol. Then came the trouble. Now at a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics, he initially defies the strict regime here. His views of the treatment and himself change only thanks to an empathetic therapist. The inhospitable environment becomes a place of self-reflection on an event that irreversibly changed Adam's life.