Jiaming, a free spirited teenager, has never taken school seriously. However, he is forced to confront his future when he flunks his O level exams and drops out of school. While deciding his future, Jiaming decides to help out at his parents music pub, Meng Chuan. Jiaming's buddies Caogen, Haoban and Xiaopang pass their exams and move on to Junior College. But they are caught renting porn magazines by the principal and are suspended for a month. During this month, the boys join a local music competition, have a taste of first love, and work hard to bring business back to the struggling Meng Chuan. In this coming-of-age tale, Jiaming and gang realise the harsh realities of the real word. In growing up, choosing to follow your heart is never easy in the face of societal expectations.
- My Friends, My Classmates, and All That I Loved Before
嘉明,一個自由精神嘅少年,從來冇認真對待學校。 然而,当佢不及格考試並輟學時,佢不得不面對自己嘅未來。 在決定自己嘅未來時,嘉明決定喺父母嘅音樂酒吧孟川幫手。 嘉明的哥們曹根、浩班同小潘通過考試,轉到少年學院。 但佢哋被校長發現租用色情雜誌,並被停職一個月。 喺呢個月,男孩參加當地嘅音樂比賽,嘗到了初戀嘅滋味,並努力將生意帶回苦苦掙扎嘅孟川。 喺呢個即將來臨嘅故仔中,嘉明同黑幫意識到咗真實詞嘅嚴酷現實。 在成長過程中,面對社會的期望,選擇跟隨自己心從來都唔係件容易嘅事
En 1993, Jia Ming a quitté l’école et aide ses parents à relancer leur pub. Ses trois amis, toujours scolarisés, sont exclus un mois, à la suite d’un trafic de location de revues pornographiques aux autres étudiants. Ils décident donc d’aider Jia Ming, et sont rejoints par trois autres filles de l’école, dont May. Jia Ming ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux de May, mais la mère de cette dernière décide de couper court à cette idylle, en envoyant May faire des études aux États-Unis.
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