Tea Fight

In Sung dynasty, a Japanese man named Yagi... couldn't take the badgering from the male black tea tribe and ridiculed that the male black tea was not the best tea in the world; causing the two tribes to challenge each other in a "tea fight." The male black tea tribe massacred the female black tea tribe and burned down the tea farm. A child escaped from the fire and turned into a fire dragon and flew away after drinking a mixture of both male and female black tea. It wasn't until then that the male black tea tribe realized that they had made a big mistake, thus begins the long journey in search of the female black tea. In 2007, the descendant Yagi stayed away from tea after his wife died in an accident years ago which he believed is the deed of a curse by the black tea. Yagi's daughter, Mikiko couldn't take anymore of her father's dwindling behavior, so she decided to head to Taiwan to look for the legendary black tea after finding a cure for the curse in an ancient book

日本語 粵語 English français 大陆简体
  • TheTVDB.com Movie ID 272598
  • Status Released
  • Released Japan June 5, 2008 (Chiyoda, Tokyo premiere) Taiwan August 1, 2008 Hong Kong August 15, 2008 (Hong Kong Summer International Film Festival) Egypt November 23, 2008 (Cairo International Film Festival)
  • Runtime 102 minutes
  • Genres Drama
  • Original Country Japan
  • Original Language Japanese
  • Production Company Movie-Eye Entertainment Ocean Deep Films Picnic
  • Distributor Movie-Eye Entertainment Mei Ah Entertainment
  • On Other Sites IMDB TheMovieDB.com
  • Box Office Worldwide $13,142
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created September 17, 2021 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 17, 2021 by
    Administrator admin

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