In Sung dynasty, a Japanese man named Yagi... couldn't take the badgering from the male black tea tribe and ridiculed that the male black tea was not the best tea in the world; causing the two tribes to challenge each other in a "tea fight." The male black tea tribe massacred the female black tea tribe and burned down the tea farm. A child escaped from the fire and turned into a fire dragon and flew away after drinking a mixture of both male and female black tea. It wasn't until then that the male black tea tribe realized that they had made a big mistake, thus begins the long journey in search of the female black tea.
In 2007, the descendant Yagi stayed away from tea after his wife died in an accident years ago which he believed is the deed of a curse by the black tea. Yagi's daughter, Mikiko couldn't take anymore of her father's dwindling behavior, so she decided to head to Taiwan to look for the legendary black tea after finding a cure for the curse in an ancient book
Dans la mythologie chinoise, deux écoles de thé se sont livrées, sans merci, une terrible bataille pour tenter d’imposer leur thé comme étant le meilleur. Le tragique dénouement avait précipité la fin d’une belle histoire d’amour. Plusieurs siècles plus tard l’histoire tend à se répéter, lorsque la Japonaise Mikiko part pour Taïwan à la recherche du légendaire Female Golden Tea. Ses pas et rencontres – notamment avec le ténébreux Yang – semblent la diriger vers une destinée certaine…
撰写《茶经》的陆羽为我们讲述了一个故事:宋朝时,在中国西南方,有公黑金茶族和母黑金族茶族烹制出各自性味不同的茶,日本人八木宗右卫门因无法忍受被公黑金族挑衅而让两族斗茶,最后以母黑金族被全面屠杀结束,只有一棵母黑金族茶的嫩芽被带去了日本而被保留下来。 时间到了2007年,日本少女美希子(户田惠梨香 饰)一心想让父亲脱离颓废逃避的人生而努力习茶,而父亲八木圭则因数年前自己沉迷制茶忽略妻女而把妻子意外死亡归咎于诅咒身上,极力阻止女儿习茶。美希子在网上认识台湾一个茶男,对方拥有公黑金族茶,寄给美希子机票让她前来台湾让二茶合一破除诅咒。 美希子飞去台湾,认识了只认钱不认规矩的地下茶市老板杨哥(周渝民 饰),但对方只是为了骗取她的母黑金族茶;尾随而至的八木圭则遇到了母黑金族茶的遗族如花,所有人如漩涡般聚在一起各怀心事各有负重,要以斗茶决出胜负,面对自己的人生。 ©豆瓣