Based on the classic works of Edgar Allan Poe, ''Tales of Poe'' is a series of three chilling stories adapted for the screen and based on Poe's Tell-Tale Heart, Cask of Amontillado, and one of his more obscure poems ''Dreams''. Bart Mastronardi wrote and directed his award-winning ''The Tell Tale Heart'' starring horror star Debbie Rochon and changes the genders from the original story to female in this macabre story that takes place in a mental asylum. Alan Rowe Kelly wrote, directed and stars in an updated adaptation of ''The Cask'' with co-stars Randy Jones (singer) and Brewster McCall in a love triangle gone awry in a Giallo styled film of murder, deceit and revenge. The third tale, ''Dreams'', is directed by Bart Mastronardi from an original screenplay by Michael Varrati. ''Dreams'' focuses on the surreal and trippy journey of a young woman (Bette Cassatt) trapped between the worlds of life and death from her hospital bed. Other key players in ''Tales of Poe'' are genre staples Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Caroline Williams, Andrew Glaszek, Jerry Murdock, Susan Adriensen, Zoë Daelman Chlanda, Cartier Williams, Douglas Rowan, Amy Lynn Best, Carl Burrows, Haley Turner, Lesleh Donaldson, Desiree Gould, Joe Quick, David Marancik, Mike Watt, Tom Lanier and Michael Varrati.
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