Chen Xiuling, owner of a house in the New Territories of Hong Kong, was killed, but the murderer also died at the scene. Chen Xiuling's sister Chen Xiumei in the United States returned to Hong Kong to deal with her business. Cheng Hui, a lawyer, helped her deal with her sister's industry. So they came to the house village. Cheng Hui's two best friends of the dead party began to pursue Xiumei. When they went to the bar to drink, a beautiful girl was sitting there. At the bar, the beautiful girl looked back and smiled. Four people were frightened and frightened. It turned out that the beautiful girl was Xiuling who had died.
香港新界一間房屋的業主陳秀玲被殺,但兇手亦當場死亡。 陈秀玲喺美國嘅妹陈秀梅返港處理生意。 程慧係一名律師,幫助她處理家姐嘅行業。 于是佢哋來到咗屋嘅村莊。 程辉嘅老死兩個好朋友開始追秀美。 当佢哋去酒吧喝酒時,一個靚嘅女仔正坐喺嗰度。 喺酒吧度,靚嘅女仔回頭一看,笑了。 四個人被嚇壞了。 原來嗰個靚嘅女仔係已經去世嘅秀玲。
- Zhuang gui ni: Xie guang zhi zai