Leo ist 'Sugar' und Clemens 'Orange'. Die beiden 11-jährigen Jungs sind unzertrennlich. Der eine fühlt sich beim anderen sicher. Nichts scheint sie auseinander bringen zu können. Bis Clemens seinen besten Freund Leo nach einem Fahrradunfall im Stich lässt. Noch sechzehn Jahre später lässt Leo (Lucas Gregorowicz) niemanden an sich heran. Selbst als er eines Nachts Lena (Sabine Timoteo) über den Weg läuft und sich bei ihr beginnt zu Hause zu fühlen, muss er immer wieder an Clemens denken, der seit Jahren mit Leos Bruder zusammenlebt...
Leo é Sugar, Clemens é Orange. Juntos os dois foram meninos de 11 anos inseparáveis. Mais que apenas amigos de brincadeira, eles compartilharam um vínculo único que parecia predestinado para durar uma vida. Até que fortes emoções vieram à tona e um mal-entendido os separou. 16 anos depois, Leo ainda está com medo de ser abandonado. Ele vive de relações frágeis até conhecer Lena, eles parecem feitos um para o outro, mas Leo se fecha para ela, não consegue esquecer a velha história com Clemens.
Lukas is Sugar, Clemens is Orange. Together, they are two ten-year-old boys who are inseparable. More than just playmates, they share a unique bond which seems predestined to last a lifetime. Until, that is, powerful emotions come to the fore and a misunderstanding leads to a rift which tears both them and their world apart. Twenty years later, Lukas is still terrified of being abandoned. He survives by forming loose relationships which don't threaten him. Then one day he meets Lena who turns his feelings upside down and awakens his inner child, the one still searching for unconditional friendship. While there is never a guarantee of security, there is a bond of trust, and through Lena, Lukas again makes contact with Clemens. After years of silence, they are finally able to exorcise their ghosts in an explosion of emotion.
Português - Brasil