Легкомысленная и безалаберная актриса, которую бросает любовник, становится свидетельницей избиения на набережной молодого человека. Не придумав ничего лучшего, она приводит его к себе домой...
- Странные мужчины Семёновой Екатерины
The frivolous young actress Katya Semenova lives in a St. Petersburg communal apartment in anticipation of big roles in the cinema and happiness in love. But they give a small role, and her beloved - policeman Igor will marry another. In despair and confusion, she wanders through St. Petersburg at night, when she suddenly becomes a witness of the beating of a young man near her house, and invites him to her home. Nikita is an employee of a private security company, and in general, a person of good nature, an artist and a single father. Such a combination can not leave Katya's heart indifferent, and she falls in love with him. But here on the horizon appears the former boyfriend Katie.
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