Die Dokumentation beleuchtet öffentliche und nicht öffentliche Aktivitäten in und im Umfeld der "Alternative für Deutschland" - mit zum Teil unveröffentlichtem Filmmaterial sowie namhaften Experten aus Wissenschaft und politischem Journalismus.
- Störfall AfD - Das Netzwerk der Rechten
- Störfall AfD
The Alternative für Deutschland, short form AfD, has been the new right-wing populist force in Germany since its foundation in 2013, and its rise is rapid. Large parts of their membership are right-wing extremists, which is why the Federal Constitutional Protection declared the party to a case of inspection. Its trend is diametrically opposed to the trend of other right-wing political parties in Europe today, for it is becoming increasingly radical rather than more moderate and bourgeois. At the beginning, it was EU skepticism, but now the central issue is the refugee crisis and immigrant foreigners, with whom votes are taken. Especially people of the eastern states of Germany choose the party because they are frustrated by the disintegration of their region, feel culturally dependent and abandoned. The AfD can fall back on a network of right-wing groups that openly or covertly support the party as well as provide it with voters