石头和校长去县城领奖状,意外得到新球带回家。 石头不情愿的交出新球,好友菜包踢瘪了新球,孩子们索赔,负气的菜包又踢坏旧球。孩子们报复菜包。 菜包质问石头新球上为何被扎了眼,石头否认是自己干的。 菜包疏远石头,石头想攒钱买球挽回友谊,联系父亲要钱无果..
10-year-old 'Stonehead', like so many left behind children in China, lives in a remote village that has been deserted by all the able-bodied men and women of working age, leaving their children in the care of older relatives. In this community devoid of male role models, Stonehead yearns to establish contact with his long-absent father and gain his approval, and he and his classmates struggle to find their moral compass as they learn how to 'be a man'.