舞台はサイタマよりさらに東京から離れた土地、「群馬」。主人公は「ラッパー」になることを夢見て、かつて“B-hack(ビハク)”というユニットを結成し活動していた20代後半の女子5人組み。「ライブハウスなし!」「彼氏なし!」「金なし!」 「未来の展望なし!」のないないずくしの彼女達の唯一の希望は“伝説のTKD(タケダ先輩)”がやったゲリラライブ跡地で“B-hack”の再結成ライブを実現すること!!ユニットの中心的存在アユム(山田真歩)は、サイタマから来たダサいラッパーIKKU(イック)とTOM(トム)に触発されミッツー(安藤サクラ)をはじめかつてのメンバー集めに奔走する。それぞれの悩み、資金工面など問題は山済みだがなんとかライブ実現に向けて前進し始めたところで決定的な事件が発生し、5人の友情は再びバラバラになる。
- SR: Saitama no rapper 2 - Joshi rapper kizudarake no rhyme
- SR サイタマノラッパー2 女子ラッパー☆傷だらけのライム
Yu Irie strikes again with the sequel to his surprise indie hit 8000 Miles - this time the boys of Sho-Gung get out of Saitama, only to take a backseat to the all female rap group, B-Hack. It turns out the lady-MCs out of Gunma have it even rougher than the boys. Like their leader Ayumu, who drudgingly helps out at her family business, the members of B-Hack all have strayed from their childhood dreams and are now looking for a new lease on life. Rekindled after a freestyle battle with Sho-Gung, the girls decide to get the band together and relive their glory days of high school. But the path to their supposed rapping stardom is riddled with setbacks and heartbreaks. Perhaps it is finally time to grow up. In revisiting many of the same themes from the first 8000 Miles, Irie successfully ups the ante in his sophomore effort - making his deadpan comedy even more unbearable, and his hard luck characters even more heartfelt.
- 8000 Miles 2: Girl Rappers
- SR: Saitama Rappers 2: Chick Rappers' Hurtful Rhyme