A blackmail arrives at Appi ski resort. “We demand 30,000,000 yen as consolation money for the destruction of the environment. If you do not respond to the demand, a time bomb set on the ski slope will be detonated.” If the bomb goes off, it will not only hurt the skiers but trigger an avalanche and cause a major catastrophe. The general manager of the ski pistes, Kurata (Ken Watanabe) pleads for an immediate shutdown of the ski site and reporting to the police, but the president of the ski resort gives priority to business interests and decides to negotiate with the blackmailer. And a negotiation process for a despicable ransom case with a massive hostage of all the skiers at the resort begins.
一年前,安比高原滑雪场发生一起悲惨的事故,由此导致雪场关张,而肇事者始终下落不明。时过境迁,为拉动地方经济,作为负责人的仓田玲司(渡边谦 饰)试图说服社长重新开业,谁知就在此时公司收到神秘之人发来的恐吓信,宣称雪场对环境的破坏具有不可推卸的责任,扬言安放炸弹制造爆炸事件。时间一分一秒流逝,仓田百般追寻炸弹的下落。与此同时在雪场开业之际,一年前的受害者入江(安田显 饰)带着儿子重返故地,渴望令儿子走出阴影。为了保障游客安全和雪场正常运营,公司方面决定支付赎金。可是这却是一个无法填满的黑洞 。