20世纪20年代,数千年的封建王朝土崩瓦解,然而在历史黎明的曙光到来之前,古老的中华民族却进入了最为黑暗的军阀割据和混战兼并的时代。西安侦缉队队长马腾云与黑道公子曲大通沆瀣一气,为了钱财不惜杀害相好的女子小翠。侦缉队副队长何远新受命调查此案,在和武生傅天豪相谈过程中,逐渐将目标锁定在曲大通的身上。调查脉络逐渐清晰,而就在关键时刻马腾云借故将何支走,随后设下毒辣圈套陷害傅天豪。 得知消息的何远新大为震惊,他赶回西安后不顾万难追查一连串案件的真相,纵使头破血流也在所不惜。蚍蜉撼树般的对抗,指向惨烈的结局……
The plot of Slaughter in Xian concerns the friendship between a thief turned Chinese opera performer, played by Chow Lung, and an incorruptible police officer, played by Tung Chi Wa. When a delivery of machine guns is hijacked and stolen by a group of not so incorruptible police officers, led by Ku Wing Chuen, who are in collaboration with a pair of gangsters played by Chin Siu Kin and Do Yuk Ming, they try to get rid of Chi Wa so that they can pin the crime on Lung. (Paul Bramhall/CityOnFire.com)