“Im Leben eines jeden Menschen gibt es Wendepunkte. Manchmal bemerkt man sie kaum, doch manchmal bekommt man sie unweigerlich zu spüren. Die Geschichte, die ich dir erzählen will, handelt von solch einem Wendepunkt in meinem Leben. Einem Wendepunkt, der auch eine sehr schmerzhafte Erfahrung für mich war.” Mit dieser Aussage beginnt der 60jährige David Neumann von heute gesehen 40 Jahre in der Zukunft eine Geschichte, die er seiner Tochter Isabella erzählen will.
"In the life of every person there are inflection points. Sometimes you hardly notice it, but sometimes you get them inevitably be felt. The story I want to tell you, is of such a turning point in my life. A turning point, which was also a very painful experience for me. "With this statement, the 60 year old David Neumann from today's 40 years in the future begins seen a story that he wants to tell his daughter Isabella. Once she has found something that arouses deeply buried memories in him, he gathered seven times in the evening on a lake with her and tells of a never processed trauma of his youth. As a young man he lived after his parents' divorce with his mother Elena. One day a new classmate, Klara, with whom he is madly in love appears. But love is soon threatened, a nightmare evolves. A series of deadly attacks on Clara's life and an abduction form the beginning of a trauma that he is not years to process